Finding Great Deals On Your Shopping Trips Finding Great Deals On Your Shopping Trips

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Finding Great Deals On Your Shopping Trips

Hi there, my name is Connie Leschi. Welcome to my website about finding great shopping deals. I use a combination of coupons, apps and other tools to find the absolute best deal on the items I buy. There is quite a learning curve when it comes to finding and securing great deals on popular products. To help others learn this craft, I decided to create this informative website. I invite you to utilize the tips and tricks I share to find great deals on all your favorite products. You can easily save hundreds of dollars a year with my methods. Thanks.


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Tips For Visiting The Shopping Mall In A New City

After you live in a place for a while, you tend to get to know the local mall.  When you're new to a particular city, their mall may initially feel like a strange, unfamiliar place. You'll have to shop at the mall a few times in order to help make it feel "like your own." Here are some tips to guide you on those first few shopping trips to a new mall.

Look up a map before you go.

Before you even head out to the mall, visit their website and take a look at a map. This will give you a better idea of where to park. For instance, if you see the sporting goods stores and know that's where you'll want to spend most of your time, you can park in the lot closest to them. If you see the shoe store and that's your main focus, you can park in the lot closest to the shoe store.

Make a list of must-visit stores.

In a new mall, it is so easy to continually get distracted by the stores you walk by. Maybe you came in to stop by three clothing stores, but before you know it, you've been sucked into a jewelry store and a body shop! If you physically write down a list of must-visit stores, then you'll be reminded of where you want to go, and you'll have an easier time sticking to the plan.

Allow yourself extra time.

Don't show up to the brand new mall when you have exactly 45 minutes before you need to be somewhere. Instead, make sure you visit when you have time to spare. This way, you can allow yourself to browse unexpected stores and simply take your time to get acquainted. 

Plan on eating there. 

The best way to get to know the food court is, of course, to eat at the food court. Plan on eating there the first time you visit the new mall. Even if you don't end up getting a full meal, most malls have pretzel stands, cookie shops, and ice cream stands. Treating yourself is a lovely way to get to know the mall!

Think of visiting a new mall as a grand adventure. If you allow the tips above to guide you, then you'll be able to get what you need, enjoy yourself, and learn all about this new-to-you shopping center.  There are many great shopping centers to choose from.